Of all of the inconveniences that Mother Nature can give to us, having to struggle on a waterlogged construction site has to be one of the more daunting. When the rain just keeps on falling, a construction site can go from being damp to completely under water within a matter of minutes, and since you can’t just put the work on hold each time there is a downpour, you need to know how to take charge of your waterlogged site.

Neglecting to change up the way you are working when it starts raining, is going to set yourself up for failure on your project. The main goal is to not just make sure that the rained out site remains workable, but to also make sure that those working on the site stay safe.

Construction sites that have to close down end up losing money, and they can cause long delays, and all because you have not invested some thought into proper site management for these conditions.

What does it mean for a site to be waterlogged?

In a nutshell, a waterlogged construction site simply means the site is oversaturated with water that cannot drain. In the Lowveld, this is quite a common occurrence during the summer months when we have our annual rainfall.

What are the hazards?

Some of the most prevalent hazards of having a site that has become waterlogged, include trenches becoming so flooded with water that they have become both an inconvenience and a danger, weakened or completely washed away foundations which will be impossible to work on, having difficulty moving the machinery through the water and the subsequent mud, and the possibility of slipping.


There is also a possibility of damage being done to the materials on site as well as the electronics.

So, how can you keep things moving when it is raining?

It doesn’t matter if you arrive at a new site and find it underwater or if you arrive one morning for work and find that an overnight deluge has left your construction site looking a little different, you can use these tips to deal with the problem.

  1. Try to remove as much as water as you can

The best starting point when you are dealing with waterlogging, is to try to move water away from the area. The easiest way to do this is using an excavator or to bring in a pump.

  1. Tackle surface water

Puddles and pools might not seem like a big deal, but it is best to remove them. You can also do this with a pump.

  1. Build a temporary drain

Although you are moving water around, there is the chance that it will run back in, especially if you are working on a slope. To prevent this, you can build a dedicated drain that will help to lower the water table and keep your site less flooded. Having a drain will also help to make the ground ready to have concrete laid down.

For more advice about how to take good care of your construction site and your plant hire machinery, you can contact Fast Pulse Plant Hire for great advice!